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Passover Hub Square with Wine and Matzah

Tu B'av has become a romantic Jewish holiday — the Jewish Valentine's Day as some call it — and is often considered a great time for weddings or marriage proposals!

Historically, Tu B'av was a joyous day marking the start of the grape harvest, and celebrated with white dresses and dancing throughout the vineyards, taking advantage of a typically full moon to party all night. 

Today, Tu B'av is still a great chance to get together with friends and partners, set that wedding date, and even crack open a bottle of your favorite wine!


TEXT: Purim - "how to" guide IMAGE: Rabbis Amy and Michael in CostumeTEXT: All about Purim video IMAGE: Rabbi Amy and Rabbi Michael Youtube CostumesTU BAV - SangriaTEXT: Purim - RaiseRight IMAGE:Full grocery bags

upcoming holiday events & programs

If there aren't events showing below, we haven't yet planned this holiday's programming. Please check back soon!

FridayFri, 16 AugAugust, 2024

Tu B'av Shabbat

Friday, Aug 16th 6:30p to 7:30pBring your sweeties of all ages to a special Shabbat service and sermon all about Tu B’av -- a Jewish holiday where we celebrate friendship and love of every kind. Oh, and it’s customary to wear something white for Tu B’av; it’s a symbol of equality and new beginnings!



Sat, May 18 2024 10 Iyar 5784