Religious & Hebrew School | B'nai Mitzvah | Confirmation | Madrachim | Shemesh | TIYuL | Youth Group
RSVP for TIYuL Programs below.
Temple Israel Youth Leadership Program (TIYul)
For young adults in grades 7-12
Whether you're new to our Education Center or previously/currently enrolled in Religious School or Confirmation, join TIYuL!
Temple Israel’s Youth Leadership program “TIYuL” – also a Hebrew word meaning “journey” – offers hands-on, creative learning opportunities from local Jewish leaders and experts and explores the many exciting ways to see and understand the world through a Jewish lens along life’s journey. We’re offering eight 2-session mini-mesters throughout the school year, each taught by amazing TIYuL teachers.
The 2-session mini-mesters are $100 per student for each.
Please note:
- Pre-Confirmation Students - To be eligible for TI’s Confirmation program, students must attend at least one TIYuL mini-mester. But we promise, once your student attends one mini-semester, they'll want to attend them all!
- For the 2025-26 school year, this program will be open to 8th and 9th graders as a part of our Religious School registration process. Stay tuned for more info in late spring!
This program is for Temple Israel members only.
Interested in joining TI? Click here for more info!
Jewish Science: Sarah
Sundays, September 15 & 22 | 9:30 am - 11:30 am | Education Center
RSVP here
Zion is a Four Letter Word: Rabbi Michael
Sundays, November 3 & November 10 | 9:30 am - 11:30 am | Education Center
RSVP here
Jewish Cooking: Diane Fadem
Sundays, December 8 & 15 | 9:30 am - 11:30 am | Education Center
RSVP here
MINI-MESTER (Special Edition)
Our Jewish Selves: Elisa Recht
Sunday, February 2 |11:30 am - 1:00 pm | Education Center
RSVP here
Improv and Jewish Humor: Rebekah Scallet
Sundays, February 9 | 9:30 am - 11:30 am | Education Center
RSVP here
TI’s Art History: Michael Tzinberg
Sundays, February 23 & March 2 | 9:30 am - 11:30 am | Education Center
RSVP here
Songleader Training: Madison Turner
Sundays, April 6 & 13 | 9:30 am - 11:30 am | Education Center
RSVP here
Please note, you must be a Temple Israel member to complete online Religious School registration -- more info at
We're here to help. Interested in learning more? Contact Temple Israel Religious & Hebrew School Director, Sidni Weglarz at: or 314-432-8076.