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Temple Israel Youth Leadership Program (TIYul)

For young adults in grades 7-12 
Whether you're new to our Education Center or previously/currently enrolled in Religious School or Confirmation, join TIYuL!

Temple Israel’s Youth Leadership program “TIYuL” – also a Hebrew word meaning “journey” – offers hands-on, creative learning opportunities from local Jewish leaders and experts, and explores the many exciting ways to see and understand the world through a Jewish lens along life’s journey. We’re offering 2-session mini-mesters throughout the school year, each with three electives from which to choose, and each taught by amazing TIYuL teachers.

Please note: Pre-Confirmation Students - To be eligible for TI’s Confirmation program, students must attend at least one TIYuL mini-mester. But we promise, once your student attends one mini-semester, they'll want to attend them all!

Examples of TIYuL past programming: 

Jewish Science 
Can religion and science have anything in common? Hands-on science experiments and discussions help us find the intersection between faith and scientific fact. 

Comic Books and the Holocaust  
Long before the Holocaust was taught in schools, American youth learned about it from comics and graphic novels. From Maus to other classic comics, read the comics and graphic novels that have taught critically serious lessons about the Holocaust in intense yet accessible ways. 

Jewish Theater 
Using physical theater techniques, we’ll create our own theatrical pieces around a Jewish theme and have the chance to perform them 

The Rhythm of the Jewish Year 
The Jewish year is based on agriculture and the natural world. From grinding horseradish to readying the garden to trying your hand at matzah making, prepare to get your hands dirty for the Passover harvest!  

Jewish Mural Making 
Join Jewish artist David Alper to help create a permanent mural for the Religious School building. Put your artistic skills to work as you consider what makes a piece of art Jewish and how to inspire others. 

Please note, you must be a Temple Israel member to complete online Religious School registration -- more info at

You can also see what we're up to on Instagram! Follow us @TIRS_STL to stay up to date!        

We're here to help. Interested in learning more? Contact Temple Israel Religious & Hebrew School Director, Sidni Weglarz at: or 314-432-8076.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784