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Youth Group  |  Educators  |  B'nai Mitzvah  |  FAQs 

Religious School is for children in grades K through 12 and provides a dynamic learning environment that enriches the Jewish experience for our children as they navigate their way through the 21st century. The heart and soul of our Religious School is our students; we give them an incredible Reform Jewish educational foundation and take great pride in knowing that they are excited to be here to learn Judaism in a relaxed, casual atmosphere where the emphasis is on them.

Our experienced teachers have a love of Judaism and a passion for teaching, which makes learning a fun experience for everyone. All of our classes explore Jewish holidays, Torah, Israel, tzedakah, mitzvot, and Jewish history, instilling a lasting and positive feeling about being Jewish. We also focus on experiential learning opportunities that take Jewish education to a new level by infusing art, cooking, and music into the program. 


TIRS 2024-25 calendar: Click here to download the latest version.

Please note, you must be a Temple Israel member to complete online Religious School registration  more info at

*Confidential scholarship assistance is available by contacting Sidni Weglarz or one of our Rabbis at 314-432-8050.

 For highlights, events, mazels, and more, follow us on Instagram @tirs_stl!      


We're here to help. Interested in learning more? Contact Temple Israel Religious & Hebrew School Director, Sidni Weglarz at: or 314-432-8076.



Religious School  |  Hebrew School  |  B'nai Mitzvah  |  TIYuL  |  Confirmation Madrichim

Religious School 

The overall goal of our Religious School experience is to foster a love of being Jewish in each and every child who walks through our doors. We want our students to feel proud of their Judaism and to be knowledgeable and confident Jews. Our students learn about Jewish holidays, Jewish history, Israel, Torah, Mitzvot, Tzedakah and Hebrew, all while experiencing meaningful, hands-on lessons. 

K-6th Grade
Students begin Religious School in Kindergarten. During 3rd-6th grade, students will attend a small Hebrew learning group where they learn to read Hebrew and delve into the meaning of the prayers, which prepares them well for becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Our Religious School program will give our students a chance to learn with their grade-level classmates and a chance for them to choose a chug (elective) activity that they are interested in exploring more.
Religious School Schedule: Kindergarten through 6th grade will meet on Sundays, 9:30 am - 11:30 am.

Shemesh is our Religious School program for children with elevated needs and their families. This program meets approximately 2 times per month throughout the school year.
Learn more at:

Hebrew School 

Students will have the chance to learn Hebrew in small Hebrew learning groups or in private tutoring. Through individualized attention, children in our Hebrew program will learn Hebrew letters, vowels and their sounds, how to write in Hebrew, and age-appropriate prayers in preparation for B’nai Mitzvah. 

Part of building a sense of Jewish self-esteem in each child, is familiarity with Hebrew and many of the prayers we recite together as a Jewish community. Our goal with this program is to inculcate children with a passion for being Jewish, deeply rooted in the ability to read Hebrew and pray together with a community. In addition, all children who wish to become B’nai Mitzvah at Congregation Temple Israel must be enrolled and an active participant in our Religious School.
Who is this program for? 
TI’s Hebrew Program is for all children in the 3rd-6th grade who are also members of Temple Israel. Registration in this program is encouraged and required in order for students in the TI community to become B’nai Mitzvah. 

What does the program entail? 
Students will meet with their Hebrew learning group on a weekly basis to work toward the learning goals. Each group learning session will be 1 hour in length. Students and tutors will work together to meet learning goals and will do so through a variety of hands-on and engaging activities. Students and teachers will be placed together based on Hebrew level. There will be an additional cost to the family for private tutoring. 

Please Note: 

  • Hebrew learning groups will consist of 12 or less students assigned to one teacher.
  • Hebrew learning groups will be at the tutor/director’s discretion, based on Hebrew assessment. 
  • Siblings in different grades or at different Hebrew levels cannot be placed in the same Hebrew learning group but every effort will be made to schedule their sessions at a similar time if desired.

Friday night Shabbat service attendance and participation: Students within a year of their B'nai Mitzvah and who are enrolled in our Hebrew program will have the opportunity to attend and help lead Friday night services 1-2 times per year. Their tutor will work to prepare students to lead the community. The goal of this component is to help the children become comfortable leading the congregation from the bimah and will help the tutor/director assess the learning goals. Students of all ages are encouraged to attend.

Assessments: Students in the Hebrew program will be assessed by their teacher to make sure the child is progressing as expected, and to ensure that the group dynamic is setting up each child for success. In addition, each student will be assessed individually by the child’s teacher and director three times per year. Performing these assessments will help the teacher and director keep the child on track and adjust the curriculum or learning goals as needed.

Hebrew School Days/Times
Below are the time blocks available for our learning sessions; please remember that each session will be one hour:
Tuesday: Between 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm
Sundays: 11:30 am (pizza lunch) followed by Hebrew School from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm 
We know that families have many commitments, and we are designing this program so learning Hebrew can be prioritized without having to give up other afterschool activities your child may also love and need. 

B’nai Mitzvah (Bar/Bat Mitzvah)

The B’nai Mitzvah program is a journey that begins when your child enters Religious School and culminates around the time that your child turns 13. Participating in the program is a really exciting thing; your child will study with the Rabbis and learn about the laws and legends of the Jewish people. Most lessons are hands-on and include discussion on important ideas in sports and popular culture and how they relate to Torah.  

Your child will also learn what Torah has to say about important topics such as current events and how Jewish values can be applied in today's world. We will read plays and watch musicals; we will go on field trips; and we will learn the meaning of friendship, holiness, and respect. This program helps to build self-esteem and provides the tools to become a Jewish leader. 

Find out more

Click here to download the 7th Grade calendar. 

Temple Israel Youth Leadership (TIYuL) Program
For young adults in grades 7-12 

Temple Israel’s Youth Leadership program “TIYuL” – also a Hebrew word meaning “journey” – offers hands-on, creative learning opportunities from local Jewish leaders and experts, and explores the many exciting ways to see and understand the world through a Jewish lens along life’s journey. We’re offering 2-session mini-mesters throughout the school year with electives from which to choose.

Schedule: Confirmation Class meets on certain Sundays throughout the year. 
$100 per mini-mester per student

Find out more


Confirmation is a program for students in 10th grade and consists of community building, learning, worship, fun, social action, and travel. The goals, curriculum, and themes are created with our student’s input and are geared toward providing experiential learning that is meaningful to the class as a whole.

The Confirmation class also takes a group trip out of town where students experience a vast array of Jewish lifestyles, ritual, and learning in diverse Jewish communities.

Please note: To be eligible for TI’s Confirmation program, students must attend at least one TIYuL mini-mester. But we promise, once your student attends one mini-semester, they'll want to attend them all! Registration for TIYuL will be on a rolling basis throughout the school year. Keep an eye out!

Schedule: Confirmation Class meets on certain Sundays throughout the year. 
Confirmation Class Trip Cost: Approximately $500 (may change depending on locations and current travel expenses)

Contact our Rabbis for more info

Madrichim/Teacher's Assistant 
Paid position for students in grades 9-12

Students in grades 8 through 12 will have the opportunity to serve as madrichim (teacher's assistants) in Religious School classrooms. As madrichim, high schoolers will build leadership skills, give back to their community, and increase their knowledge of how Jewish values can shape their lives, as well as help implement lesson plans, tutor younger students, and serve as mentors. Teens will develop close personal relationships through social programs and participation in local and regional North American Federation of Temple Youth (NFTY) events. They will also engage in tikkun olam through a variety of community service outings, all of which will be infused with Jewish values and ethics.  

The Madrichim Program is available for all students in grades 8-12. Madrichim will be joining Religious School classes that will meet on Sunday mornings, 9:30 am - 11:30 am. Please email Sidni Weglarz, Director of Religious and Hebrew School at:

Fees: No Fee for this program (For Confirmation Students fee, see above.)

Interested in serving as a Madrichim?
Click here to apply
and submit your completed form to Sidni Weglarz at or 314-432-8076.

Make a Contribution to TI's Safety & Security Fund

Though security has been a key priority at TI for many years, we also recognize that these are unusual times, and so we’ve created a Safety & Security Fund to help keep our campus as secure as possible.  Your generosity enables us to take proactive safety measures so that cost is not the deciding factor in how well we are able to protect those who come to learn and worship here at TI.  

Find out more:  

Sun, January 19 2025 19 Tevet 5785