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Shavuot hub

Passover Hub Square with Wine and Matzah

Shavuot — meaning “weeks” in Hebrew — occurs seven weeks after Passover. During Shavuot, Jews celebrate the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai throught extensive study and worship. In biblical times, people would make a pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem to bring crop offerings.

In modern times, Shavuot is a time when we rededicate ourselves to studying the Torah and living a Jewish life. Some of us stay up all night to study, and often eat sweet treats to stay awake! Many congregations have their confirmation ceremony during Shavuot, tying in the re-commitment of their own study with the milestone of Jewish 10th graders confirming their dedication to live Jewishly.



TEXT: Purim - "how to" guide IMAGE: Rabbis Amy and Michael in CostumeTEXT: All about Purim video IMAGE: Rabbi Amy and Rabbi Michael Youtube CostumesPassover - matzah and bowl of mac n cheeseTEXT: Purim - RaiseRight IMAGE:Full grocery bags

upcoming holiday Events & programs

If there aren't events showing below, we haven't yet planned this holiday's programming. Please check back soon!

FridayFri, 7 JunJune, 2024

Shavuot Shabbat (followed by A Walk Through the Shabbat Prayerbook)

Friday, Jun 7th 6:30p to 7:30pOn Shavuot, it’s a tradition to eat delicious dairy treats and immerse yourself in some kind of Jewish study. And so, we invite you to join us at our upcoming Shavuot Shabbat service where you’ll hear an educational sermon from the Rabbis followed by a discussion all about the Shabbat prayerbook -- where it comes from, why it was created, and what it means to us today -- all while enjoying a delicious dessert Oneg filled with dairy treats.



Sat, May 18 2024 10 Iyar 5784