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Hanukah Hub

TEXT: Hanukah Hub IMAGE: Many hanukkiah burning at our Hanukah Celebration
At Hanukah, we remember when the Jews rededicated the Temple in Jerusalem after Judah and the Macabees defeated the Syrian-Greek army.

When the Jews went to light the Temple’s menorah after their victory, there was only a one-day supply of oil left, but miraculously it lasted for eight nights!

So today, we light candles for eight nights and celebrate religious freedom. We play dreidel, eat chocolate coins, give gifts, and eat foods fried in oil to remind of us the miracle at the rededication of the Temple.

TEXT: Hanukah - download the holiday guide IMAGE: smiling family around a hanukah table in the isserman auditoriumTEXT: All about Hanukah video IMAGE: Rabbi Amy and Rabbi MichaelTEXT: Hear the chanted blessings IMAGE: Rabbi Amy lighting a hanukkiah
TEXT: How do you spell Hanukah video IMAGE: Rabbi Shook at his deskTEXT: Hanukah - RaiseRight IMAGE: Package wrapped beautifully with brown paper and twine

upcoming holiday events & programs

If there aren't events showing below, we haven't yet planned this holiday's programming. Please check back soon.

SundaySun, 3 NovNovember, 2024

The REAL Story of Hanukah

Sunday, Nov 3rd 9:45a to 11:15aDid you know that the REAL story of Hanukah includes NOT a single miracle, NOT a drop of oil, and has absolutely NOTHING at all to do with Christmas? The story of Hanukah DOES however include many Jewish people with lots of chutzpah and a will to prevail. Join the Rabbis to hear the TRUE story of why we celebrate this holiday!


FridayFri, 27 DecDecember, 2024

Online Hanukah Celebration & Shabbat Service

Friday, Dec 27th 6:30p to 7:30pKids and adults of all ages! Join the Rabbis for an online Shabbat service and make sure to have your menorahs and candles ready to go! We'll light the Hanukah candles together over a blessing led by our Rabbis as we celebrate the third night of Hanukah from the comfort of our homes.



Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785