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Mitzvah Bakers

Mitzvah Bakers meet from time to time to bake challah and treats for Shabbat Onegs, as well as other Temple programs and special occasions. 

Everyone is welcome to join us for this mitzvah opportunity! Come by yourself and make new friends, or RSVP with a group or as a couple! Though these baking sessions are for adults, we’ll be hosting special baking dates where children are welcome to help us bake too.

Stay tuned for upcoming baking sessions...

If you're interested in being added to our Mitzvah Bakers email notification list, contact Debbie at and she'll keep you posted on special baking opportunities as they become available.

Not a baker, but would like to make a donation to cover costs?
Visit to contribute; please specify ‘Mitzvah Bakers’ as the reason for your donation.
Donations made to support Mitzvah Bakers are put in the Millard S. Cohen Caring Community Fund.

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785